Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The face I come home to

If a cute face like this is waiting at home, who could resist the urge to go home ASAP?
Have a nice day everyone, now I'm running off to meet my son's happy face.

Friday, January 22, 2010

2010 Resolution Page

I know, I know, it’s almost end of January already. But then again, it’s better late then never.
Without further ado, here goes:

Oh… how I miss traditional scrapbooking. And one day I just couldn’t resist myself from buying that beautiful Prima transparency. Since then, it’s been haunting me, screaming to be scrapped. This page is again, inspired by the very talented and creative woman, Ria Nirwana. You can see her 2010 resolution page here. Now, now, don’t even think of comparing hers to mine. She’s waaay out of my league.

In her blog, she described what her resolution means to her. I figured, what a nice way of thinking. So doing what a mediocre usually does, I imitated. To me, living inspired means:

Eversince I had a baby, I’ve been struck in awe to see how amazed my son is on everything around him. Not only lovely things like morning breeze, birds, cats or butterflies but also unexpected things such as the ceiling fan. Maybe it’s the breeze that brushes his face, maybe it’s the movement of the fan itself or maybe it’s the light from the lamps. Whatever it is, he’s mesmerized by it. His face would light up brighter than those lamps. He reminds me to pay attention on little things around me and try to see things through childlike eyes because beauty and loveliness might be just around the corner.
And to:

Because I want to remember the joy I experience every single day. And to be able to hold those memories when life storms struck unexpectedly, as they always do.

And to:

These days and everyday onwards.