Went to the studio for Darrel's first photo shoot with high spirit. Afterall, he laughs all the time at home, so there shouldn't be any problem, right? Plus, I've packed along his favourite toys that never failed to make him laugh. I've also asked my Mom and my brother, Kenneth, to tag along to help make him laugh. See that I didn't even aim for a smile? I was so confident I was gonna get lots of laughter, an ear-to-ear grin at the worst scenario. I've got everything covered, this should be a piece of cake, we'd be done in a jiffy. Or so I thought...
Take one, ready, camera, go...
Me: Darrel, look at Mommy! Look what's Mommy got.... (waving a squishy & noisy plastic hammer with a frenzy)
Darrel: gazed intently at the cameraman after throwing me a scathing look which I'm pretty sure meant 'Ssh Mom, I've seen the hammer everyday... I want to concentrate on the weird thing that man's pointing at me!'
Take two...
Me: Peek a Boo! (from behind the giant lighting equipment - I have no idea what's the correct name for it)
Darrel: watched the lighting thingy in awe - 'Bright white light... how beautiful. Mom, stop... you're ruining my meditation.'
Take three, four, five and so forth... (I stopped counting already)
Me: Made funny faces, rolled around.. dribbled colourful ball, waved the squishy hammer again in desparate attempt for a smile... Just a smile, baby, pleaaaseeee.....
Darrel: watched me curiously - 'Mom... err, is something wrong with you? I think you need a nice warm bottle of milk to calm you down. Works for me all the time!'
Well, you get the idea....
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