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Yup, I've finally decided to go digital. With a baby to take care of, the phrase spare time has become unknown to me. So I decided to give digital scrapbooking a shot and realized that this is a perfect solution for me! It's cheap (with all that free stuffs floating around in the net), I don't have to worry about cleaning up the mess after my so-called creative process - which involves spreading my scrapbook supplies accross the entire room; I can prepare layouts during lunch time, I don't have to worry about making mistakes - three cheers for the undo button!. I won't have to interrupt my mother-son time with Darrel, which is so limited already. And my husband is definitely happy to see a steep decline in my credit card bills and the fact that he's finally able to see his computer - which was previously drowned by my papers, stickers, rub-ons, et cetera. So, everybody's happy. What an ideal solution! Anyway, this is one of the layout I created during my lunch time. Neat, right? Not that I intend to give up traditional scrapbooking entirely. I still love seeing a real- I can feel & touch- page, with dimension and textures. I'll still be doing that, only far less frequent.
Do you see how happy Darrel's expression is when he's playing with his daddy? I really love watching those two together. Ever experienced falling in love with a man over and over again? I've been experiencing that so often lately. I realize not many men will embrace a stranger's child as his own. I was the one who met Darrel first and fell instantly in love with him; and being my usual 'jump first - worry later' kind of person, did everything I could to take Darrel home as my son. Hardi's case was a bit different - in a nutshell: imagine coming home one day to find your wife beaming, holding a baby saying... honey, isn't he just adorable... and he's ours! Well, that's not exactly how it went - but you get the picture. And never once, did he hesitate. I still find that fact amazing and during my self-reflecting exercise (euphemism for day dreaming) I realized that deep down this was the reason I married him. The unquestionable kindness and decency in him, that I somehow knew I can always rely on. So, whenever I see them together, I could never help myself from smiling and thinking: I'm so blessed.